1874 Stephen Street looking south from Bourke Street


A photograph from 1874 of Stephen Street, looking south from Bourke Street. Everything in this photo has changed since 1874.

Bourke Street runs across the photo, with Stephen street heading south, away from the photographer. The Eastern Market sits on the right hand side of the photo. The market had sections for hay, straw and fruit. It was also referred to as the Hay Market and Paddy's Market in those days. The market went through a number of changes and was eventually removed in 1960, and replaced by the Southern Cross Hotel, which opened in 1962.

The hotel on the left corner was Charles Lister's Hotel. A bit down the road we see the Weighbridge Bakery's cart tending to a sale of its wares, proudly describing themselves as "Fancy Bread and Biscuit Makers". The bakery was probably in the Eastern Market since there was a weighbridge in that location. 

The Exhibition Buildings were opened at the top of Stephen Street in 1880, and the street name was changed from Stephen to Exhibition not long afterwards.

A view looking north from this point is shown in this image from 1874.

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Photographer was Charles Bayliss.

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