1880 Perspective of Melbourne


A very detailed perspective image of Melbourne in 1880. Another very impressive piece of art from Arthur Cooke, depicting the city looking south from over the Exhibition Building. Compare this to another work of the same artist, where he looks in the opposite direction from over South Melbourne here.

All text © HotPress

The original artwork was a supplement to "The Australasian Sketcher", 9th October 1880. Signed and dated in image : A.C. COOKE DEL 1880

This is a digitally retouched reproduction of the original held by the National Library of Australia. All prints are reproduced without the HOTPRESS watermarks.

Our team of conservators have worked on a high resolution digital image in order to remove blemishes and artifacts such as stains, mould, scratches and damage caused by the handling of the original. We strive to provide authentic representations of the original work that are suitable for enlargements that retain the tones and character of the original.

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