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1855 Perspective of Melbourne


A very detailed perspective image of Melbourne in 1855, looking north from Emerald Hill area. Under the image is a legend showing 47 of the city's major buildings or landmarks.

This would have to be one of the most impressive prints of early Melbourne that you could have on your wall.

All text © HotPress

The notes from the State Library describe this image as "Inscribed on sheet: drawn by N. Whittock, from sketches taken in 1854 by G. Teale Esqr.
Items of interest are numbered with legend printed below image as follows: 1. Batson's Hill [i.e. Batman's Hill] 2. Gunpowder Magazine 3. Government Dock 4. P & O Company Wharf 5. Raleigh's Wharf 6. Coles' Wharf 7. The Queen's Wharf. 8. Customs House 9. Pumps For Water Carts 10. St. Paul's Church 11. The Theatre 12. The City Goal [i.e. Gaol] 13. Barracks for Mounted Police 14. St. James Church 15. The Exhibition 16. The Treasury 17. The Survey Office 18. Road To Mt. Alexander 19. The Governor's House 20. The Jews Synagouge [sic.] 21. Legislative Assembly House 22. Wesleyan Chapel 23. Union Bank 24. Bank Of Australia 25. Post Office 26. The Town Hall 27. The Hospital 28. St. Francis Catholic Church 29. Supreme court & Goal [i.e. Gaol] 30. St. Peter's Church 31. University Green 32. Public Schools 33. Roman Catholic Church 34. Proposed Square 35. Bishop's Palace 36. The Ampitheatre 37. Prince's Bridge 38. The Cremorne Garden Steam Boat 39. Road to St. Kilda 40. The Sandridge Road 41. Railway To Hobson's Bay 42. The River Yarra Yarra 43. The Flag Staff 44. The Old Cemetery 45. The electric Telegraph From Williams Town to The Customs House 46. Telegraph Office & Time Ball 47. Benevolent Asylum.

Lithograph referred to in Argus, 3 October 1856."

This is a digitally retouched reproduction of the original held by the State Library of Victoria. All prints are reproduced without the HOTPRESS watermarks.

Our team of conservators have worked on a high resolution digital image in order to remove blemishes and artifacts such as stains, mould, scratches and damage caused by the handling of the original. We strive to provide authentic representations of the original work that are suitable for enlargements that retain the tones and character of the original.

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